Saying Yes to No

NO is powerful, is a big weapon to have in your arsenal but is a very tough weapon to deploy. Everyone knows how difficult it is to say NO, is one of the reason why everyone is comfortable asking you for favours they have no business asking you for, cause they know how hard it is to say NO....can you help watch my kids for an hour? can I borrow your diamond earrings? can I borrow your car?, or telling you to do things they have no business telling you to do.... I'm gonna need you to work my shift, I need you to loan me money. Now the answer to all of these, should be NO, except the person coming to you is one of your closest friends or member of your family. Frankly if they are not friends or family, they have no business asking you these question-NO NO NO but is hard to say NO. Everyone is great at taking care of other people and forgetting oneself. Why are we so bad at taking care of ourselves? why are we so unwilling to show ourselves thesame kindness and consideration we show others? cut ourselves thesame slack? Give yourself the protection and care you would give anyone else?. 

 Saying NO and the desire not to be a doormat is one of the hardest things to do especially when you are successful. A NO conversation is a fine runnel emergency. Say Yes to saying NO. NO is a complete sentences, you don't owe anybody an explanation, you say NO and you say goodbye. Treat saying NO thesame way you say thank you. You can say NO in this three ways and feel good about it. 

1. I'm going to be unable to do that.

 2. That's not going to work for me

3. NO

With saying NO comes a tremendous sense of relieve and freedom, the reason you have being so afraid of saying NO comes clearly, you worried what if they get angry? wouldn't be friends anymore? yells and things turns ugly? those are the worst thing that can happen and so what?. Saying NO reveals people's identity, what they really want to say which can be they are using you for what you could do for them. 

With saying NO comes the superpower, a self awareness of been able to say anything to anyone, any difficult conversation, any tough decision sitting in the pit of your stomach, any unsaid confession, issues of resentment, unpleasant business, you can talk about it, you would want to talk about it because no matter how hard a conversation is, you should know on the other side of that difficult conversation lies peace, knowledge, answers is delivered, characters is revealed, truces are formed, misunderstanding are resolved. Freedom lies across the field of difficult conversations and the more difficult the conversation the greater the freedom. 

 You can say it or you can eat it.


  1. It's true that NO is a powerful. But I guess the way we are hardwired as Humans prevents us from wielding this weapon as experts.

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  2. 😍 I smiled while reading... someone actually saying the truth... I wish most times I can just say no....

    1. ❤️❤️ just what the post is for. Is a slow process, I'm still learning to perfect mine too

    2. @Kristabel could you please buy hollandia for me tommorow?😂

    3. Saying no could be the ultimate self care. It's a way to protect yourself and your boundaries. Saying No keeps YOU in control of YOUR life.
      We learnt that acceding to demands allow us avoid conflicts and criticism, please people,earn praise and prove that we care for important people in our lives yet the right for us to say no is intertwined with the ability to make choices. When you're being compelled to say Yes even when it's not in your interest we are robbed of OUR ability to choose. True freedom of choice is the reward we receive once you can say no.
      Saying No could be hard especially when we are saying No to good things,to good people and sometimes we are afraid of the reactions we'd receive from others but I've decided that good people who truly care about me wouldn't want me taking on too much. They would want me to take care of myself.

      Saying No is important. You can say no in a nice and polite way without being rude or selfish e.g Not this time, I'm not interested, Thanks but No thanks, I don't just want to.....e.t.c...
      And lastly, Saying No doesn't make you a bad person.

  3. Saying saves a lot stress and strain, yet it pays a lot, as clearly stated by the writer!


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